Stop 2/10 on our virtual summer road trip: this
spectacular specimen of galena, calcite, quartz & pyrite from the
Bluebell mine in the Kootenays was photographed using a high-resolution
3D-capable camera by @Below_BC. Explore #ore samples like this one and more in the Below BC Virtual Museum.
@below_bc #explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting

Stop 3/10 on our virtual summer road trip: imagine working underground wearing this simple cap with just a candle for light! BC has a long and fascinating mining history. This is one of 1000’s of exploration & mining artifacts photographed in 3D by Below BC in summer 2019. To #explore with us visit the Below BC Virtual Museum:
@below_bc #explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting
#gigapan @gigapansystems

Stop 4/10 on our virtual summer road trip: BC has #hoodoos too! Take a virtual geological field trip in BC with us and visit the Fairmont Hoodoos in 360 deg high-resolution detail at the Below BC Virtual Museum. To #explore with us visit:
@below_bc #explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting

Stop 5/10 on our virtual summer road trip: A giga-what? Last summer, @GeoscienceBC partnered with Below BC who used a gigapixel panorama (#gigapan) camera to capture BC’s landscapes in ultra-high detail from every angle. Take a virtual geology field trip around the province at the Below BC Virtual Museum. To #explore with us visit:
@below_bc #explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting #gigapan @gigapansystems

Stop 6/10 on our virtual summer road trip: this fine fern fossil from White Lake in the Kootenays in southern BC was photographed in high-resolution by @Below_BC using a 3D-capable camera. Explore fossils like this, plus rocks, minerals, mining artifacts and more in the Below BC Virtual Museum:
@below_bc #explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting #gigapan @gigapansystems

Stop 7/10 on our virtual summer road trip: behind the scenes! In summer 2019, @GeoscienceBC partnered w @BelowBC to capture pictures & stories about our mining history & the fascinating earth science below our feet. Each hi-res, 3D sample in the Below BC Virtual Museum was photographed using this impressive portable studio by the Below BC crew. To #explore with us visit:                        @below_bc #explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting

Stop 8/10 on our virtual summer road trip: thank you! @BelowBC travelled the province last summer to capture photos & stories about our mining history & the earth science below our feet in BC but… it would not be possible without the generous exploration companies, prospectors, collectors & museums who gave the Below BC team access to rarely seen rocks, fossils, minerals and mining artifacts. #Explore the Below BC Virtual Museum:                                                                    @below_bc #explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting

Stop 9/10 on our virtual summer road trip: this fantastic fluorite mineral sample comes from an old mine near Grand Forks in southern BC and is one of hundreds of mineral samples in the @below_bc Virtual Museum. To #explore with us visit:
#explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting #gigapan @gigapansystems

Stop 10/10 on our virtual summer road trip: Earth science for the people! Below BC has 8-10,000 face-to-face interactions with the public each year and last summer, @GeoscienceBC supported Below BC on two road trips to reach thousands more! #Explore the Below BC Virtual Museum:  @below_bc #explorebc #minerals #bcminex #geology #BC #gold #copper #summer #roadtrip #outreach #mining #bcmining #mineralcollecting

many thanks to Geosciencebc and everyone who made this project possible!