
Virtual Museum ID: 19-DMA18-005

Specimen Summary

volcanic conglomerate

Locality description: Continuous outcrop along the west side of highway 16 approximately 19.5 km north of Moricetown. Park at the pullout on the east side of the highway, cross the highway and walk south to the KM300 sign.
Structure: bedding at this locality indicates a moderate dip to the south to southwest.
Geological Environment: the interbedded poorly sorted, polymictic conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones exposed at this locality are typical of the fluvial deltaic sediments that make up the bulk of the early Cretaceous Skeena Group in the Rocher Deboule Range (Red Rose formation of Sutherland-Brown). At this locality the conglomerate unit contains angular clasts of white flow-banded rhyolite. Flow banded rhyolite domes occur regionally within the Rocky Ridge volcanics of the Skeena Group and have yielded U-Pb dates of 103-104Ma. The angular nature of the rhyolite clasts at this locality suggests a neaby source.
Age constraints: The Skeena Group sedimentary units are assigned an early Cretaceous Albian age (113-100 Ma) based on rare fossil occurrences and limited isotopic age dating (references).
Notes on stratigraphic assignment: Rocks exposed at this locality are typical of the early Cretaceous Skeena Group and are assigned to this unit.

Specimen Data


The information listed below relates to the current holding location or collection that the sample is from, and whether the item is viewable at that location or is part of a private collection. Coordinates are given as guides, and we remind you that collecting specimens from these locations is not allowed. Caution is advised visiting such sites and Below BC assumes no responsibility for any injuries or trespassing charges that may occur as a result of the viewer entering these sites.

Collection Details

Original Collection:

Smithers Exploration Group (SEG)

Sub Collection:


Collection ID:


Virtual Museum ID:



Date Added to VM:


Location Information

Sample Origin:

Morricetown, B.C.

Specific Site:

North of Moricetown Park

UTM Easting:


UTM Northing:



09 (NAD 83)

Coordinate Accuracy:

Specimen Details

VM Category:


Primary Features:


Primary Mineral Formula:

Primary Category:

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Advanced Geological Information


The following section provides geological data relating to the specimen or the site it was collected from, when available. Information has been obtained from various sources including private and government datasets but may not be up to date. Any geological time periods or ages listed often relate to the primary geology of the area, and may not be the actual date of an event such as mineral formation.

Geological Formation:

Skeena Group

Geological Period:

Lower Cretaceous

Stratigraphic Age:

Geological Belt:

Geological Terrane:

Minfile ID:

Minfile Link:


Site Details:

Additional Images



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