David Willkie Director
David has a passion for environmental science and has had the opportunity to work in both the academic and private sectors developing expertise in environmental education. currently employed as a science teacher with the Vancouver School Board at the University of British Columbia Transition program. This is a provincial resource school administered by the Vancouver School Board for students identified as gifted and earning early entrance to university.
David loves the outdoors and has performed field work as an Environmental Scientist in the Canadian High Arctic, Yukon, Northern Alberta and British Columbia. These experiences environmental monitoring of chemicals in abiotic sources as well as management of invasive species on industrial and restoration sites. David completed his degree in Education at the University of British Columbia and holds a Master of Science in Ecology and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Alberta. His passion for science education has included working for the Vancouver Aquarium AquaVan program where he engaged with rural communities around B.C. and Alberta. These experiences teaching philosophy and pedagogy draws from hands-on inquiry based student centred teaching

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