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At the Witset (Otherwise known as Moricetown) view point next to the information kiosk we have a view of the Moricetown rapids, a traditional fish gathering location for the Wet’suwet’en people. The rocks that constrict the Bulkley river here are mapped by Richards (1990) as the Moricetown volcanics which are believed to be Paleocene in age. Continue across the river to the parking lot just past the bridge. Outcrops below the parking lot are typical of the Moricetown volcanics. Various lithologies are present with andesite flows and flow breccia interbedded with sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, shale and epiclastic volcanic sediments. Minor coal is also present. Most clasts appear to be derived from the late Cretaceous Kasalka Group. These Paleocene rocks are preserved within a north trending graben that follows the Bulkley river from here to just south of Bulkley Canyon. The Moricetown beds, like the underlying Skeena Group have been folded with fold axes trending northwest, further evidence for an Eocene or younger contractional event.